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Introducing our Chalk Stream Film Project! Following on from our Hedgerow film, which helped raise awareness of the importance of hedgerows for biodiversity and carbon sequestration, we are planning to create a similar film focusing on our precious Chalk Stream. 

Chalk Streams are a globally rare habitat and important from the point of view of the biodiversity they support. But they are also under threat. This film will show the great work by Watlington Environment Group (, River Thame Conservation Trust ( and others to project and restore the habitat. The film will also feature Icknield Community College and local artists, demonstrating the value of collaboration with the community.


Chalk Streams: Who We Are

Magic Little Grant

We are delighted to announce that we have grants confirmed by Magic Little Grants, The Cobb Charity, and Watlington Parish Council in support of this project. 

The Magic Little Grant is provided through a partnership between Localgiving and Postcode Society Trust. Postcode Society Trust is a grant-giving charity funded by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. Localgiving is the UK’sleading membership and support network for local charities and community groups. 


Magic Little Grant
Chalk Streams: Text
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